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Oral Surgery
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On the other hand we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized.

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On the other hand we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized..
Client Testimonials
Very keen observation, empathetic, understands patient s problem very well. You get all the answers of cancer related issues, feeling satisfied. Afterall a very good oncosurgeon. Recommended.
Dr. Ashish takes personal interest in treatment and surgery and ensures follow-up procedures are taken seriously to ascertain well being of his patients even long after surgical procedures and post operative care.
Dr Ashish Pokharkar's timely and correct advice helped us in taking the correct decision for parotid gland surgery of my husband. The operation was done very professionally by him and his team. The surgery was successful hence the recovery was very quick. We wish him all the best in his profession and future ventures
I couldn’t have been in better hands! Extremely patient and sympathetic. He explained the whole procedure and risks very well. Not one to scare you with medical jargon, he would often draw what the problem area was and what could have gone wrong. My whole family is grateful for his support and expertise
Had a Great experience with Doctor and Jupiter hospital. As i already Heard about the Dr.Ashish Pokharkar, he is the experienced doctor from TATA Memorial hospital and cancer center Mumbai. Thank you Ashish sir for Your best treatment and being patient-friendly and for being very clear about surgery procedure.
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The Role of a Cancer Surgeon: From Diagnosis to Treatment and Beyond
Cancer is a life-altering diagnosis that affects millions of people worldwide. When it comes to cancer treatment, surgery often plays...
रोबोटिक मुळे कर्करोग उपचारात सुलभता
रोबोटिक तंत्रज्ञानामुळे कर्करोग उपचारात रुग्णांसाठी आणि शल्यचिकित्सकांसाठी अधिक सुलभता आली आहे, असे मत एस. हॉस्पिटलचे अध्यक्ष व ज्येष्ठ मूत्ररोगतज्ञ डॉ....
The Role of Early Diagnosis in Treating Bone and Soft Tissue Cancer
How Early Diagnosis Plays a Crucial Role in Treating Bone and Soft Tissue Cancer Cancer is a word that can...
महाराष्ट्रात प्रथम पुणे येथे नोबल हॉस्पिटल्सतर्फे एसएसआय मंत्रा ३ रोबोटिक प्रणाली
नोबल हॉस्पिटल्स अँन्ड रिसर्च सेंटरमध्ये महाराष्ट्रातील पहिली एसएसआय मंत्रा ३ ( SSI Mantra 3 Robotic System ) रोबोटिक प्रणाली स्थापित...
Do You Have a Family History of Cancer? Early Detection Strategies That Could Save Your Life.
Do You Have a Family History of Cancer? Early Detection Strategies That Could Save Your Life. A family history of...
Innovative Immunotherapy Treatments That Are Defeating Cancer.
Immunotherapy is revolutionizing the treatment of cancer by using the body’s own immune system to fight off cancer cells. When...
Living with Tongue Cancer: The Impact and of Treatment on Eating, Speaking, and Self-Esteem.
Living with Tongue Cancer: The Impact and of Treatment on Eating, Speaking, and Self-Esteem. What is Tongue Cancer? Tongue cancer...
How Genetics and Lifestyle Influence Mouth Cancer in Non-Smokers?
How Genetics and Lifestyle Influence Mouth Cancer in Non-Smokers? Mouth cancer, also known as oral cancer, is often associated with...
5 Ways to Keep Your Immune System Healthy After Cancer Surgery
5 Ways to Keep Your Immune System Healthy After Cancer Surgery A strong immune system is important after cancer surgery,...
The Role Of A Cancer Specialist In The Journey To Cancer Survivorship.
The Role of a Cancer Specialist in the Journey to Cancer Survivorship Cancer Survivorship: Cancer survivorship is the experience of...
How Long Does It Take For Your Body To Fully Recover From Cancer Surgery?
How long does it take for your body to fully recover from Cancer Surgery? After you have cancer surgery, your...
What Kinds Of Breast Pain Indicate Cancer?
Breast pain, also known as mastalgia, is a common concern among many women. While most cases of breast pain are...
कोलन कॅन्सरची काही लक्षणे आहेत का?
कोलन आणि रेक्टल कॅन्सर ज्याला एकत्रितपणे कोलोरेक्टल कॅन्सर या नावाने म्हणून ओळखले जाते. पुरुष आणि स्त्रियांमध्ये कर्करोगाचा तिसरा सर्वात सामान्य...
What Are The 5 Warning Signs Of Bowel Cancer?
What is bowel cancer? Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, originates in the colon or rectum. It often develops...
What Stage Of Breast Cancer Requires Surgery?
How is the stage of breast cancer determined? The stage of breast cancer is determined by considering the tumour size,...
What is Stomach Cancer- Types of Stomach Cancer
What is Stomach Cancer? Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is a condition where cancer cells proliferate uncontrollably within...
Throat cancer- Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment
What is Throat Cancer? Throat cancer refers to the development of cancerous cells in the throat, which is the muscular...
Does Thyroid Cancer Spread Quickly?
Introduction: Thyroid cancer, though generally considered slow-growing, can vary in its pace of progression. In this blog post, we delve...
What is Thyroid Cancer | Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Introduction: Thyroid cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the cells of the thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped...
The Shocking Truth Behind Fatty Liver
Fatty liver disease, or hepatic steatosis, is a growing concern in today's world, and its consequences can be severe if...
Liver Cancer- Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Introduction: Liver cancer, also known as hepatic cancer, is a type of cancer that originates in the liver. It is...
Talk About Your Lung Cancer Treatment in Pune | Dr. Ashish Pokharkar
Introduction: Lung cancer is a formidable adversary, affecting thousands of lives across the globe. A lung cancer diagnosis can be...
5 Things You Need to Know When Getting a Breast Biopsy: Elevate Your Breast Health with Dr. Ashish Pokharkar, the Best Breast Cancer Surgeon in PCMC
Introduction: Your breast health is paramount, and when the need for a breast biopsy arises, it’s essential to equip yourself...
Unveiling Tongue Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Expert Insights
Tongue cancer is a serious medical condition that affects a significant number of people worldwide. The tongue, being a crucial...
Understanding Lung Cancer Symptoms and Causes
Introduction Lung cancer is a formidable health challenge that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a condition characterized by...
स्तनाच्या कर्करोगाच्या(Breast Cancer) उपचारादरम्यान डॉक्टरांना विचारायचे प्रश्न
भारतात स्त्रियांमध्ये स्तनाचा कर्करोग(Breast Cancer) हा सर्वात सामान्य कर्करोग आहे. त्यावर योग्य वेळी उपचार न केल्यास स्त्रीचा मृत्यूही होऊ शकतो....
Unraveling the Complexity: Examining Difficult Issues Regarding Cancer
Introduction Cancer, a formidable adversary, has plagued humanity for centuries, challenging scientists, doctors, and patients alike. Dr. Ashish Pokharkar, a...
Is Cancer Completely Curable Now?
Introduction Cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Over the years, significant advancements have been made...
Esophagus Cancer
Introduction When it comes to esophagus cancer treatment, finding an experienced and skilled surgeon is crucial for ensuring the best...
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Vital Treatment for Cancer Patients
Introduction Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a specialized branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of...
What Is Colorectal Cancer?
Introduction Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the colon or rectum, which are both parts of...
Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
April is recognized as Testicular Cancer Awareness Month around the world. This is a month dedicated to raising awareness about...
National Minority Cancer Awareness Month
April is National Minority Cancer Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about the disproportionate impact of cancer on minority...
National Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness Month
April is National Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about these types of...
Types Of Cancer And Treatments
Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. It is a leading...
Cancer Surgeon in Pune
Cancer Cancer is a life-threatening disease that requires specialized treatment and care. Pune, a bustling city in Maharashtra, India, is home...
किडनी कॅन्सरचे लक्षणे, उपचार व शस्त्रक्रिया ( Kidney Cancer in Marathi )
किडनी कॅन्सर आज जगभरात नाना प्रकारच्या रोगांनी जन्म घेतला आहे त्यापैकी एक म्हणजे किडनी कॅन्सर ज्याला रीनल कॅन्सर ही म्हणतात....
Basic Information About Uterine Cancer
About Uterine Cancer For those suffering from cancer, unchecked cell growth is the root of their illness. Even if cancer...
Kidney Cancer Treatment in Pune
Having suspected kidney cancer due to a lesion, your doctor would want to know how far along in its development...
Thoracic Cancer Treatment in Pune
Introduction No kind of cancer, including thoracic cancer, has a root cause that is completely understood by medical professionals. There...
Salivary Gland Cancer Treatment in Pune
If your doctor suspects you have salivary gland cancer, he or she will first assess how far along in its...
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Introduction At present, there is a huge number of cancer patients who suffer from different types of cancer. Like other...
Chemotherapy Treatment In PCMC
Chemotherapy is one of the essential treatment options for almost all cancer types. In this treatment, one or one anti-cancer...
केमोथेरपी म्हणजे काय( What Is Chemotherapy In Marathi)?
कॅन्सरसारख्या गंभीर आजाराला केमोथेरपी(Chemotherapy) हि उपचार म्हणून दिली जाते..कारण केमोथेरपी म्हणजे कॅन्सरच्या विरोधात वापरली जाणारी औषध. ही औषधे गोळ्या किंवा...
Salivary Gland tumor treatment
Introduction A group of clinicians specializing in head and neck cancer should devise a treatment strategy for patients with cancer...
डोकं आणि मानेचा कर्करोग ( head and neck cancer in marathi)
कर्करोग कर्करोग हा शब्द जरी ऐकला की भीतीने गाळण उडते. इतके वेगवगळे प्रकारचे कर्करोग असतात की अनेकांना माहितीही नसते. म्हणूनच...
Breast cancer: causes, symptoms, and treatment
Breast cancer Cancer of the breast develops when abnormal cells in the breast expand and divide out of control, resulting...
कोलोरेक्टल कर्करोग: जोखीम घटक आणि प्रतिबंध (Colorectal Cancer: Risk Factors And Prevention In Marathi)
आपण सर्वांनी रक्त, स्तन(breast), गर्भाशय आणि तोंडाचा कर्करोगाबद्दल ऐकले आहे. कोलोरेक्टल कॅन्सर हा देखील एक प्रकारचा कर्करोग आहे. कोलोरेक्टल कर्करोगाबाबत...
स्तनाचा कर्करोग – लक्षणे, प्रकार आणि जोखीम घटक (Breast Cancer – Symptoms, Types & Risk Factors in marathi)
कर्करोग म्हणजे जेव्हा एक किंवा अधिक पेशींच्या जनुकांमध्ये बदल होतो. विशिष्ट जनुके(genes) पेशीला काय करावे आणि केव्हा वाढावे हे सांगतात...
5 things you need to know about stomach cancer?
People suffer from stomach cancer due to the abnormal growth of cells inside the stomach. A muscular bump develops below...
What Are Signs & Symptoms of Bile Duct Cancer
Bile duct cancer occurs in the bile duct, and it is also known as cholangiocarcinoma. This type of cancer is...
जठराच्या कर्करोगाचे निदान आणि उपचार पद्धती(Diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer)
कर्करोगाचे अनेक प्रकार असतात , त्यात पोटाशी निगडीत असेलेला कॅन्सर प्रकार म्हणजे जठराचा कर्करोग . पोटात कर्करोगाच्या पेशींची वाढ झाली...
7 Unusual Symptoms of Vaginal Cancer That Women Shouldn’t Ignore
Women suffer from different types of cancers, and vaginal cancer is rare among them. There are different types of vaginal...
क्या सिर और गर्दन के कैंसर का इलाज संभव है? (Is there a cure for head and neck cancer?)
दुनियाभर में सिर और गर्दन के कैंसर के मामलों में तेज़ी से बढ़ोतरी हो रही है। एक अमेरिकन स्कूल ऑफ...
How does lung cancer diagnosis change your lifestyle?
lung cancer is always a life-threatening disease if it is not treated at its early stage. Like other cancers, many...
Guide To Cervical Cancer-Dr. Ashish Pokharkar
Guide To Cervical Cancer-Dr. Ashish Pokharkar Research shows that almost 640000 women got diagnosed with Cervical Cancer in 2020, and...
Colon Cancer: Symptoms, Stages, Causes, and Treatment
Colon cancer: Symptoms, stages, causes, and treatment Colon cancer is not an uncommon name among people worldwide in recent times....
Cervical Cancer – Symptoms and Causes
Cervical cancer – Symptoms and causes Cervical cancer develops in the Cervix’s cells. The Cervix exists in the lower part...
Blood cancer – what is it, Blood Cancer Signs, Symptoms & Diagnosis
Blood cancer – what is it, Blood Cancer Signs, Symptoms & Diagnosis Blood cancer develops and affects human blood cells....
महिलाओं में ब्रेस्ट कैंसर क्यों होता है?जानें कारण, लक्षण और उपाय-Breast Cancer Causes, Symptoms and Treatment In Hindi
महिलाओं में ब्रेस्ट कैंसर क्यों होता है?जानें कारण, लक्षण और उपाय-(Breast Cancer Causes, Symptoms and Treatment In Hindi) ब्रेस्ट कैंसर(Breast...
मुँह के कॅन्सर के शुरुवाती लक्षण और होने के कारण
भारत में मुँह का कॅन्सर(Oral cancer) या ओरल कैंसर पुरुषों में सबसे आम कॅन्सर (सभी कॅन्सर का 11.28 %) है।...
Head And Neck Cancer- Symptoms And Signs
Symptoms and Signs Symptoms and indicators of head and neck cancer may include the following. As someone who has experienced...
Cervical cancer | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
Cancer of the cervix, the lowest section of the uterus that attaches to the vagina, is known as cervical cancer....
National Cancer Survivors Day-5th June
On June 5, 1988, the inaugural National Cancer Survivors Day was celebrated. Local governments, hospitals, and other organizations have held...
Does deodorant cause cancer?
Almost everyone in today’s life uses antiperspirant or deodorant to stay fresh. Well, people are also confused about whether there...
Your Body After Cancer Treatment
Cancer treatment occurs in various ways to lead a normal life. These treatments work properly to heal a cancer patient....
What to look for and where to look for ovarian cancer?
Ovarian cancer refers to the kind of cancer that starts in the ovaries of a woman. The ovaries represent the...
Skin Cancer awarness month – April 2022 | Reduce Skin Cancer risk
April is the awareness month for skin cancer. Since it is one of the most common kinds of cancer, it...
Oral Cancer: 5 Ways To Quit Smoking
Oral cancer happens in the form of a sore or a growth in your mouth. It refers to cancer of...
Cancer in India and its Prevention Tips
Cancer refers to abnormal cell growth, and it spreads to other tissues in your body, causing the growth of tumors....
Why Do Men Get Cancer More Than Women And How They Can Manage Their Risk?
Males are more likely than females to be diagnosed with cancer and die as a consequence, even if numbers vary...
What’s The Difference? Chemotherapy And Immunotherapy
It’s crucial for patients to understand their treatment choices and how that might affect their experiences and results, even if...
What’s Behind The Increase In Colorectal Cancer Cases In Young Adults
Statistics seldom provide a complete picture of a subject or issue. Consider the case of colorectal cancer. The illness is...
Kidney Cancer Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment
They are two bean-shaped organs, each hand-sized, that filters waste products from the body. They may be found on each...
Risk factors of Kidney Cancer and How to Reduce Risk
Kidney Cancer is most common in men, especially smokers, and people who suffer from obesity, as well as those who...
Cancer Screening Tests Every Woman Should Know
There are some types of cancer like breast cancer which women suffer from. Hence if you are a woman, you...
Signs and Symptoms of Uterine Cancer
Uterine cancer is of two kinds. These are uterine sarcoma and endometrial cancer. A common symptom of uterine cancer consists...
Five Side Effects of Chemotherapy and How to Deal with them
Chemotherapy affects the cells that grow fast in your body like those that line the intestines and mouth. In addition,...
8 Ways to Stay Healthy after Cancer
Cancer treatment can be hard for patients as much as it can be draining. Nowadays, many cancer survivors are living...
The Most Common Cancers and How to Spot Them
Cancer is a deadly disease that can be of different types. However, knowing the most common cancers and how to...
5 Prostate Cancer Symptoms Every Man Should Know
After skin cancer, the most common type of cancer in men is prostate cancer. It is a small gland in...
5 Ways to Lower Your Ovarian Cancer Risk
Ovarian cancer occurs in your ovaries. It can further happen in the nearby tissues such as the fallopian tubes. As...
Being Overweight can Cause Ten Types of Cancer
When you are obese or overweight, your chance of having cancer becomes greater. For instance, it can result in almost...
National Stomach Cancer Awareness Month
November is the time of the year when people indulge in eating their favourite foods. It is also a month...
10 Cancer Symptoms Women Should Not Ignore
Breast cancer is a common type of cancer in women. But, they may have other kinds of cancer including cervical,...
Colorectal Cancer : Early Detection, Diagnosis and Treatment
Colorectal cancer happens when cells lining the rectum or colon look abnormal. In addition, they go out of control. Symptoms...
How Does Smoking and Chewing Tobacco Cause Oral Cancer
Tobacco contains about seventy chemicals that can result in oral cancer. These cancer-causing agents are called carcinogens. Every time you...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month- October
Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October helps to make people know about this health issue that affects millions of women....
Role of Laparoscopic Surgery in Gynaecological Cancer Treatment
Laparoscopy is a procedure of surgery performed for gynecological cancer. Gynecologists have been practicing this surgery since 1994. It is...
Kidney Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Kidney cancer affects your kidneys which are two organs that have a shape like beans. They are present behind the...
Blood Cancer Awareness Month- September
Every year, a large number of people are losing their lives to blood cancer. That is why we as individuals...
Breast Cancer Warning Signs: Symptoms, Treatment
The first sign of breast cancer is developing a lump on your breast. However, symptoms vary depending on the type...
Cancer Types, Prevention, Stages
Presently a considerable number of people are suffering from Cancer, a life-threatening disease. Cancer develops in a person when the...
Gallbladder Cancer: Symptoms and Signs
Like other Cancers, Gallbladder Cancer is also one of the most life-threatening diseases of which many are suffering nowadays. In...
Oral cancer prevention – It’s in your hands
The number of patients having oral cancer is rising noticeably over the years. As per research, it has been noticed...
Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Stages, Types
Today, many women worldwide claim to have Breast Cancer. Unfortunately, most of them don’t possess the required information so that...
Best Cancer Surgeon in Pune – Dr. Ashish Pokharkar
The recent surge of Cancer cases all over the world has made people conscious about the harmful sides of this...
Six Ways to Lower Your Risk for Colon Cancer
Mostly the people more than 50 years of age have Colon Cancer. However, research says that more than a lac...
Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer
In present days, the number of patients who have ovarian cancer are getting increased noticeably. Ovarian cancer starts developing in...
Robotic surgery for cancer treatment: What patients should know
Once you come to know that you or any of your loved ones have been diagnosed with Cancer, it will...
Best Cancer Treatment in Pune by Dr. Ashish Pokharkar
What is Cancer? The uncontrolled growth of the cells and forms from the extra mass tissue called the tumor is...
Modalities or Methods of Cancer Treatment by Ashish Pokharkar
At Prathmesh Cancer Super Speciality Clinic, Patient Education and involving patients in Shared Decision Making regarding their treatment are among...
Guidelines for How to Prevent Cancer or Find It Early
Cancer is still a trauma for every human being. If you survey, you will hardly find a house with no...