Thoracic Cancer Treatment in Pune

Thorasic Cancer Treatment in Pune | Dr. Vaseem Choudhary


No kind of cancer, including thoracic cancer, has a root cause that is completely understood by medical professionals. There are several subtypes of thoracic cancer, each with its own unique set of risk factors. However, genetics and lifestyle choices may both play a part in the disease. If a member of your family has already been diagnosed with lung cancer, your risk of having the disease may be higher. The chance of developing oesophageal cancer is increased by smoking, which is also responsible for the majority (90%) of lung cancer cases.

Thoracic Cancer Symptoms in the Chest Area

The symptoms of thoracic cancer vary depending on the kind of cancer, the tissues that are affected by the disease, and whether or not cancer has spread to surrounding structures. In its early stages, thoracic cancer often does not present any symptoms.

In many instances, symptoms don’t appear until cancer has already spread to an advanced stage, which may make the disease more difficult to cure. When symptoms present themselves, they could include the following:

  • Symptoms such as wheezing or difficulty breathing
  • “Smoker’s cough” or alterations in an ongoing cough are examples of this.
  • Acquiring a new cough that either grows progressively worse over time or doesn’t go away at all
  • Expelling blood or mucus that is bloody or rust-colored as you cough
  • Fatigue
  • Hoarseness
  • Chest discomfort that is made worse by activities such as coughing, heavy laughing, or deep breathing
  • Feeling sick to your stomach, indigestion, or heartburn
  • Weakness
  • a lack of appetite or an unintended loss of weight is both examples.

It is essential to keep in mind that experiencing these symptoms does not always indicate that you have cancer.

Thoracic Cancer Treatment

Thoracic Cancer Treatment at hospitals provides comprehensive cancer treatment from a team of medical and radiation oncologists, surgeons, and cancer care experts who are all board qualified in their respective fields. The treatment for thoracic cancer varies depending on the kind of cancer. On the other hand, surgery is an option for treating the majority of thoracic malignancies. Your physician could also suggest the following:

  • Treatment using radiation aimed at reducing the size of tumors and destroying cancer cells
  • chemotherapy in order to stop cancer cells from multiplying.
  • Cancer treatment is based on the use of biomarkers that are unique to malignancy cells in order to kill the cancer


If you are looking for a good hospital to conduct Thoracic cancer treatment in Pune, contact Dr. Ashish Pokharkar.