When you are obese or overweight, your chance of having cancer becomes greater. For instance, it can result in almost ten types of cancer. If you do w...
National Stomach Cancer Awareness Month
November is the time of the year when people indulge in eating their favourite foods. It is also a month for raising awareness regarding stomach cance...
10 Cancer Symptoms Women Should Not Ignore
Breast cancer is a common type of cancer in women. But, they may have other kinds of cancer including cervical, colorectal, and endometrial cancer. It...
Colorectal Cancer : Early Detection, Diagnosis and Treatment
Colorectal cancer happens when cells lining the rectum or colon look abnormal. In addition, they go out of control. Symptoms of colorectal cancer do n...
Cancer Types, Prevention, Stages
Presently a considerable number of people are suffering from Cancer, a life-threatening disease. Cancer develops in a person when the cells in our bod...
Gallbladder Cancer: Symptoms and Signs
Like other Cancers, Gallbladder Cancer is also one of the most life-threatening diseases of which many are suffering nowadays. In this fast-paced...
Oral cancer prevention – It’s in your hands
The number of patients having oral cancer is rising noticeably over the years. As per research, it has been noticed that men are more prone to suffer ...
Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Stages, Types
Today, many women worldwide claim to have Breast Cancer. Unfortunately, most of them don’t possess the required information so that they can take ea...
Best Cancer Surgeon in Pune – Dr. Ashish Pokharkar
The recent surge of Cancer cases all over the world has made people conscious about the harmful sides of this disease. Individuals nowadays want to ge...
Thyroid Cancer: Symptoms and Signs
The Thyroid, the butterfly–shaped gland near our trachea, produces hormones necessary to regulate the heart rate, body temperature, and heart. A...