Kidney Cancer Treatment in Pune

Kidney Cancer Treatment in Pune | Dr. Ashish Pokharkar

Having suspected kidney cancer due to a lesion, your doctor would want to know how far along in its development the disease is. Tests used for staging kidney cancer may involve repeated CT scans or other imaging procedures your doctor deems necessary.

Kidney cancer has four distinct phases, numbered from one to four in Roman numerals, with the first stage suggesting localized disease. In stage IV, cancer has spread to other organs or the lymph nodes and is regarded to be an advanced stage. The diagnosis of kidney cancer requires a battery of tests and procedures, including a biopsy of a suspicious area of tissue from the kidney, examinations of the patient’s blood and urine, and imaging of the kidney (biopsy).

Treatment for Kidney Cancer

Surgery is the standard first step in treating kidney cancer. This therapy may be the only one required for kidney malignancies. Cancer that has progressed beyond the kidney may need extra therapy.

When it comes to treating kidney cancer, you and your healthcare team have a lot of choices to consider. Your overall health, the specific kind of kidney cancer you have, the extent to which the disease has progressed, and your own treatment preferences are all potential determinants of the optimal course of action.


It is common practice to begin therapy for kidney cancer with surgery. When feasible, normal kidney function should be preserved during surgery despite the removal of the malignancy. In order to treat kidney cancer, many operations are performed, such as: (nephrectomy). When performing a radical nephrectomy, the whole kidney is removed along with some surrounding healthy tissue and, in certain cases, lymph nodes and the adrenal gland. A nephrectomy may be performed either through a single large incision in the belly or side (open nephrectomy) or via many smaller incisions (laparoscopic or robotic-assisted laparoscopic nephrectomy).

The kidney tumor was removed (partial nephrectomy). Also known as nephron-sparing surgery, this procedure involves removing just the cancerous tissue and a little margin of healthy tissue around it rather than the whole kidney. It may be performed openly, laparoscopically, or with the use of a robot.

For those with just one kidney, kidney-sparing surgery is a typical choice for treating minor kidney malignancies. To avoid long-term renal problems or the need for dialysis, it is best to avoid a total nephrectomy in favor of kidney-sparing surgery wherever feasible.


Several factors, including the kind and stage of cancer you have, as well as your general health, will go into your doctor’s recommendation for a surgical procedure. If you are looking for good kidney cancer treatment in Pune, get in touch with Dr. Ashish Pokharkar.