Cancer treatment can be hard for patients as much as it can be draining. Nowadays, many cancer survivors are living a healthy and long life after thei...
The Most Common Cancers and How to Spot Them
Cancer is a deadly disease that can be of different types. However, knowing the most common cancers and how to spot them will help in preventing them....
5 Ways to Lower Your Ovarian Cancer Risk
Ovarian cancer occurs in your ovaries. It can further happen in the nearby tissues such as the fallopian tubes. As per the American Cancer Society, a ...
Being Overweight can Cause Ten Types of Cancer
When you are obese or overweight, your chance of having cancer becomes greater. For instance, it can result in almost ten types of cancer. If you do w...
National Stomach Cancer Awareness Month
November is the time of the year when people indulge in eating their favourite foods. It is also a month for raising awareness regarding stomach cance...